About Refresh
Meet the Doctor
My name is Dr. Rebecca Sarlea. I am a tonal chiropractor that believes in the healing power of the body. My top three core values include integrity, honestly and trust. Chiropractic saved my life, so I know that this was God’s purpose for my life.

What is Refresh Chiropractic?
Refresh Chiropractic was born from the vision of renewal for your life. We believe in the tonal model of Chiropractic that focuses on the nervous system and related changes to a person’s physiology. As such, we look at the tone of nervous system first. Every tissue, organ and cell has an ideal tone that allows for maximal function. Just like the strings on the bridge of a violin, each string has their unique tone so that combined, a beautiful melody comes from the instrument. If a violin string was not set to its proper tension, tone, the note that plays isn’t quite right, but with a small adjustment, the tension, tone can be reestablished.
Our Beliefs
We believe in practicing within the philosophy that “the power that made the body, heals the body.” This philosophy explains that the ability of the body to express life and how that life flows through the body and mind, determines how healthy and alive we will be. When we do not express life fully, the body becomes sick, unhealthy, tired, stressed and unable to adapt to worldly forces. By keeping the spinal cord free from interference and allowing the flow of life to travel over the nerve system, you can express life and live to your fullest potential.
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